
That's How It Went .:Contest Entry:.

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NostaligicDreamer's avatar

Literature Text

That's How It Went

The snow crunched under Norway’s boots as he walked through it. He kicked a few chunks aside and sighed as the rest turned a grayish color from the dirt under his boots. Almost every inch of pure white snow on the sidewalk had turned grey because of many people walking over it with dirty shoes and boots. It was like a sign; everything that symbolized innocence was stained by the impurity of others' actions. It was incredible how cruel this world had become.

His breath fogged up in front of him as he walked through the cold. His cheeks flushed red as the frigid wind bit at his face. Luckily, he was wearing a scarf to protect his neck. His head was covered by a comfortable black hat that clung to his flaxen colored locks. A few strands of hair escaped the hold of his hat and were blown against his face.

Norway took a right turn and made his way up to a familiar porch. He breathed in deeply, preparing himself for what was to come, and knocked on the door with a gloved hand. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he waited for the door to open. It creaked open to reveal Iceland, his brother.

“Hallo, little brother,” Norway smiled politely at him. It had been a while since he had seen him. It wasn’t that Norway didn’t want to visit him or anything; it was the fact that he had left Iceland with Denmark and never told him anything about what he was going to do.

Iceland glared at him with intense, aqua blue eyes. “What do you want, Norge?” He hissed as he stared him down. Norway could swear he saw blue flames in his brother’s eyes. He raised his hands in defense.

“I don't mean any harm during this visit. I just came to see you,” Norway said in a calm, soothing voice. He noticed that his brother was tense and saw him relax a little when he said this, but Iceland’s glare did not falter. He opened the door wider and moved aside to let him in. With a small smile, Norway entered the warm house and wiped his boots on the mat before fully entering Iceland’s home.

Norway took off his hat, scarf, and coat, placing them on the handy coat hangers that were behind Iceland’s door, before following his brother into the living room. His smile instantly faded when he saw Denmark sitting on the couch, reading a book. His apathetic mask returned to his face as the Dane looked up and grinned. “Hey Norge.”

Norway breathed in deeply and nodded towards him as he exhaled. Iceland sat next to Denmark, and to Norway’s horror, rested his head on the messy haired man’s chest. Denmark wrapped an arm around Iceland’s shoulders, pulling him closer. Both of them did not feel the glare that was being shot at them.

Clenching his fists, Norway sat on the chair furthest away from them and raised an eyebrow at their display of affection. Denmark’s smile quickly faded as he caught the glare and he hurriedly let go of Iceland. Something shiny on both Denmark's and Iceland’s fingers caught Norway’s attention. He quickly got up and walked up to them, snatching Iceland’s hand and examining it to find a gold ring.

“Norge, I can explain…” Denmark said and held his hands up in defense. Norway shot him another glare and looked back at the ring. Iceland was desperately trying to pull his hand away, but kept failing because with every tug Norway’s grip became tighter.

“I don’t want to hear it from you,” The angry nation hissed. “Get out; I want to Iceland to explain it to me,” He ordered and watched as the older nation quickly got up and left the room. He then turned his attention towards his brother, who was sporting a terrible blush, which made him absolutely adorable. Norway silently scolded himself for thinking that way and softened his glare.

“Now, tell me, did you marry Denmark?” He asked, quietly fuming. Iceland looked at him, his eyes scanning his brother's face as if the correct answer was written somewhere upon it. He sighed and nodded slowly, watching as Norway pulled away slowly and covered his mouth with his hand. He shook his head in disbelief and stood up, walking away from Iceland.

"You can’t be ser-“

Iceland stood up and cut him off. “I am serious.”

Norway turned around with his hands on his hips, glancing over his brother’s face and hoping to see something that would tell him otherwise. When he could not find a sign, he sighed and crossed his arms. “Explain. Now,” He ordered sternly, his heart pounding loudly in his chest as a lump formed in his throat.

Iceland glared back and huffed. “We both know that no one is at fault here. Denmark didn’t force me to marry him,” He clarified, answering the burning question that lied in Norway’s mind. “I willingly accepted his proposal.” Norway’s heart sank in his chest as these words hit him.

Norway looked around, and then back at him. “Well?”

Iceland tched and snickered bitterly. “You obviously thought he forced me,” He smirked and crossed his arms. “Well, I’ll tell you how this all happened,” Iceland stated, earning a nod from Norway.

“Thank you.”

Iceland sat back down, but glared at the ground instead of looking at his older brother. “You left… You left me here without a word or anything to tell me that you were coming back. I could have gone to see you, but-” He laughed breathlessly. “Like hell I’d do that with the way you left.”

Norway unnoticeably flinched and nodded, telling him to continue.

“I was upset, I’ll admit. I was angry that you left me here like I meant nothing to you. As if I was just a toy that you didn’t like anymore and had decided to donate to a kid who had nothing. It angered me to no end.” Iceland shook his head as his eyes went away. It seemed as if he was not aware of his surroundings.

“I swore to myself that the next time I saw you, I’d ignore you.” He looked up at him. “And now you’re here.”

Norway nodded and swayed a little as he stood.

“Dan… He knew I was upset… He began to comfort me and…” He trailed off and shook his head, then glanced up at him. “I was in love with you, Norge,” He whispered softly, eyes glistening with an emotion that Norway could not recognize. His own royal blue eyes widened a little, and his heart jumped. His brother had felt the same feelings that he held in his heart.

“And I feel the same way,” Norway confessed, clearing his throat. Iceland’s lips twisted into a sad smile.

“But, you’re too late, Norge,” He murmured and looked down; avoiding the look of hurt that flashed on his brother’s face. “Believe it or not, Dan helped to forget the pain…”

'The pain I caused…' Norway thought in his mind as he looked at his boots. 'It was unforgivable and rude of me to not tell him what was going on.'

“And to forgive,” Iceland finished and looked up, meeting Norway’s surprised gaze. He smiled softly. “I’m being honest with you and him, Norge. He asked me if I loved you after we married and I responded, 'yes, but no more than a brother'.” The latter’s gaze saddened and his lips pursed.

“I can understand that…” Norway murmured and uncrossed his arms. Iceland nodded and sighed, giving his older brother a hopeful gaze.

“But the contract is due to be examined again,” He informed and rubbed his hands together. “I have a feeling that this marriage will end soon… Especially with the uproar that Germany is throwing in Europe.” The teen ran a hand through his silver hair and glanced up at Norway.

“I think it’s all because he’s upset about WW1. Being full of pride and such,” Norway commented with a wave of his hand. His brother nodded and folded his hands on his lap.

“I’m sorry if I upset you, Big Brother, but you did ask for the truth,“ Iceland stated, earning a slow nod from Norway. The latter sat down in his chair and sighed.

“That I did.”

The two sat in an awkward silence as the single grandfather clock in the room ticked loudly. It began to chime, announcing that the time was now 3 o’clock. Norway quickly stood and made his way to the door, murmuring that he had to leave.

“Norge, if you’re up-“

Norway stopped his younger brother with a slender, cold finger to his pale pink lips. The golden haired man’s lips twisted into a sad smile as he scanned his adorable brother’s face.

“Nei, I’m fine,“ He assured him and ruffled the younger one’s hair. “Take care of yourself and,” He glanced to the side to see Denmark standing near the couch. “I hope you live the rest of your of marriage in happiness,” Norway said and slipped on his coat, hat, and scarf. He opened the door and felt a gust of cold wind hit him in the face.

Before exiting the house, Norway took one last look at his brother’s surprised face and sighed deeply. “Farvel,” He whispered and left swiftly, the door closing behind him. Another period of silence fell over the household and was not broken until Denmark cleared his throat, grabbing Iceland’s attention.

“Come on, Ice, let’s make some dinner,” He said as he wrapped an arm around his husband’s shoulders. The teen nestled into his hold and sighed softly as he began to reevaluate the events that had just taken place. Iceland’s aqua blue eyes scanned the room as he pursed his lips. Hopefully, his brother would accept the fact that they were married and not become terribly upset.
This is for :iconnordicsxreader-oc:'s contest~ So as you can see, this takes place just as WW2 is brewing up. During WW1 and WW2, Iceland and Denmark were married for 25 or 26 years. Their marriage ended a year and a few months before WW2 did when Denmark was under Nazi Germany's control.

This story is based on a song called Asi Fue. It just fit in with the fact that Norway left Iceland with Denmark a long time ago. If you understood Spanish, the song would make much more sense. Either way it inspired me to write this which is why I chose this time period... :iconfacepokerplz:

Lol, anyway, this story was revised by my awesome friend :iconmicroscopicsky:. (THANK YOU SO MUCH :iconsupertighthugplz:) Go look at her shtuff. She's an awesome writer. OuO

The picture is from Zerochan so it obviously not mine. Here's the source for the picture thingy: [link]
Asi Fue is by Isabel Pantoja.
Norway, Germany, Iceland, and Denmark belong to Himaruya~
© 2013 - 2024 NostaligicDreamer
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MiNiCandyCaKe's avatar
I feel so bad for Norge. ;_;